Kokoro Tojikan Odaigahara
心・湯治館 大台ヶ原
Kokoro Tojikan Odaigahara
心・湯治館 大台ヶ原
Although you can do a simple walk to the lookout at Odaigahara Plateau, it you want to try the full 9km hiking course (around 4 hours), you might want to stay overnight, especially as the bus back to the station leaves around 3.30pm. This simple inn is the only place to stay on the mountain. You can choose from private rooms or large shared rooms for up to 35 people. Meals are served in a spacious cafeteria; you can also just drop in for lunch.
Last update: 2016-11-14
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address Odaigahara, Kotochi, Kamikitayama, Yoshino
吉野郡上北山村小橡 大台ケ原
Access From Kintetsu Yamatokamiichi station:
- Take the Nara Kotsu bus and alight at the Odaigahara stop.- 心・湯治館 大台ヶ原 Kokoro Tojikan Odaigahara
- address 吉野郡上北山村小橡 大台ケ原 Odaigahara, Kotochi, Kamikitayama, Yoshino
- Opening Time & Admissions
Closed on Irregularly
Open from the fourth Saturday of April to Nov 24, otherwise closed
Budget Price is represented using $ symbols ($=low, $$$$$=high)
Capacity New building: 14 rooms
Main building: 11 rooms
- Contact Details
Tel 0746-82-0120
Fax 0746-83-0240