Matabe Cherry Blossoms
Matabe Cherry Blossoms
Every spring, people flock to see this magnificent weeping cherry blossom tree, believed to be around 300 years old. Its blossoms are pale pink, in contrast with a row of hot pink peach blossoms behind it, making for a striking photograph. The tree is named after a local samurai who escaped the fighting life and became a monk. His house was said to be in this area.
Last update: 2019-06-10
- Venue Details & Access Info
Event Location Oudahongo, Uda City
Address Uda Hongo, Uda
Access From Kintetsu Kashihara Station:
- Take the bus bound for Ouda and alight at the last stop Ouda. 20 minutes on foot from the bus stop.- 又兵衛桜 Matabe Cherry Blossoms
- address 宇陀市大宇陀本郷 Uda Hongo, Uda
- Opening Time & Admissions
Event Date Early Apr
Admission ¥100
- Contact Details