Doro Hotel
Doro Hotel
Once a rather grand 1920's hotel, the spectacular views over the deep emerald waters of Dorokyo Gorge are the real draw now. Architecture fans will enjoy the gently faded but well-preserved rooms surrounded by wooden verandahs, where you can have a full meal combining Japanese and Western style dishes or just drop in for a drink and homemade cake and the view.
Last update: 2016-11-14
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address 405 Koka, Totsukawa, Yoshino
Access From Kintetsu Yagi Station:
- Take the bus bound for JR Shingu Station, alight at Totsukawa Yakuba and 5 minutes on foot from the stop.- 瀞ホテル Doro Hotel
- address 吉野郡十津川村神下405 405 Koka, Totsukawa, Yoshino
- Opening Time & Admissions
Opening Hours 11:30
Closed on Wednesdays
Budget Price is represented using $ symbols ($=low, $$$$$=high)
Payment Cash only
Capacity 7 tables
- Contact Details
Tel 0746-69-0003
Website Tabelog