Former Site of Fujiwarakyo Capital
Former Site of Fujiwarakyo Capital
Although there is nothing left of Fujiwara Palace, red columns mark the original foundations, giving you an idea of the scale. The fields have become famous with photographers for their cosmos flowers in September and the cherry blossoms in spring. Just after New Year, locals gather to fly large, brightly colored kites.
Last update: 2024-02-01
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address 418 Takadonocho, Kashihara
Access From Kintetsu Miminashi Station, JR Unebi Station,
- 30 minutes on foot from the station.
From Kintetsu Yamato-Yagi Station,
- Take a community bus and alight at the Kashihara Fujiwarakyo Shiryoshitsu-mae stop.- 藤原宮跡 Former Site of Fujiwarakyo Capital
- address 橿原市高殿町418 418 Takadonocho, Kashihara
- Opening Time & Admissions
Payment Cash only
- Contact Details
Tel 0744-22-4001