Hokiji Temple
Hokiji Temple
One of the seven great temples founded by Prince Shotoku, Hokiji Temple was founded by his son after Shotoku’s death and completed in 708. There is a legend that the temple was built on the site of Prince Shotoku’s original palace, and excavations have revealed the foundations of a previous building. The pagoda is the only remaining original structure. The other buildings were rebuilt in 1694 and 1863. The Kodo hall contains a beautiful eleven faced Kannon of gilded wood. Less crowded than Horyuji Temple and set amongst lush gardens with a lotus pond, Hokiji Temple has something to offer throughout the year.
Last update: 2018-12-06
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address 1873 Okamoto, Ikaruga, Ikoma
Access From JR Yamato Koizumi Station:
- 20 minutes on foot from the station.- 法起寺 Hokiji Temple
- address 生駒郡斑鳩町大字岡本1873 1873 Okamoto, Ikaruga, Ikoma
- Opening Time & Admissions
Opening Hours Feb 22 - Nov 3: 8:00 - 17:00
Nov 4 - Feb 21: 8:00 - 16:30Closed on Open all year round
Admission Adults: ¥300
Children: ¥200
- Contact Details
Tel 0745-75-5559